Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reading Reflection

When I am reading something that I am not choosing to read such as a book required for school, it is very difficult for me to soak up what is going on. I will have read 20 pages and then realize that I have no idea what just happened because the whole time my eyes were scanning the words, my mind was somewhere else, thinking about what I need to do later that day, or the next day, or how my head hurts and what I should do about it. It has always been a problem of mine that I hoped to grow out of, but now going on 22 realize this problem probably won't be going anywhere. What helps me is if I'm in a well lit area, and in a comfortable, but not too comfortable seated position. I need copious amounts of caffeine, as well as a small snack next to me, as to not hurt my stomach with all of this caffeine. It helps if I am making notes whilst reading, so I don't forget some of these ideas that aren't important or interesting enough to me, but are important to the grade I am getting in the class. It also helps me to reflect after I have read my bit for the night if I think about why the reading material was chosen for a class. It helps me to better understand why we are all spending our time reading and analyzing the novel. I like to relate certain happenings in the readings to other novels I have read, or movies I have seen. This way, I can remember parts of the story easier when connecting them to other works that stand out to me and held a place in my heart and mind. It is wonderful when a whole class is reading the same book, this way we can all chat about the book together and see what we gain from it and with all of the perspectives, have a better understanding of the overall picture. I like to break up my time, reading also. It is good to read for an hour or so, and then get up to use the restroom, splash your face, walk outside to get a breath of fresh air. Maybe it would be nice to have a short conversation with your roommate or significant other before returning to your reading, just to get your eyes focused on different distances and sights. Sometimes I like to go on Facebook or check my e-mail, but this isn't always a good idea because I tend to get distracted this way, and will not want to get back to reading. Also this isn't good because you are not exercising the technique of switching up your viewing point, as I stated earlier. All in all, I have gradually worked on making it an easier feat for me to read required pieces from school because I have realized how important it is to force myself into understanding and soaking up the meaning behind it, for it will get me further in education and the rest of my career life.

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